On March 6 and 7, the 5G-Blueprint partners gathered in high spirits in Antwerp, Belgium, for the final review on the work conducted within the project, in its quest to design and validate a technical architecture, business and governance model for uninterrupted cross-border teleoperated transport based on 5G connectivity.
In the stunning environment of the local Havenhuis, provided by project partner Port of Antwerp-Bruges, Project Coordinator Wim Vandenberghe (Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management and the Flemish Ministry of Mobility and Public Works) and Technical Coordinator Johann Marquez-Barja (imec) lead the consortium partners in comprehensively presenting their joint and separate efforts within 5G-Blueprint, from its inception to the successful Final Showcase Event of last November, all while highlighting key achievements and testing conducted – Check out our videos section to se all demos.
The consortium wishes to thanks Project Officer Jorge Pereira (European Commission – DG CONNECT) and the appointed Commission’s reviewers for their presence, the overall attention dedicated to the project during its run, and for their precious comments, pushing forward 5G-Blueprint’s mission, outreach, and envisioned continuity.